
True Discipleship: The Art of Following Jesus is unavailable, but you can change that!

If we truly believe Jesus Christ is not only the Son of God, but also our Savior and Lord, it is reasonable for others to expect to see proof of our commitment in the way we live. That evidence is what biblically-minded Christians call discipleship. Discipleship implies a living relationship with the Christ we love, serve, and seek to imitate. For most of us there is room in this relationship...

from God to the believer. Baptism, according to John Calvin, is a public confession before men. “Indeed,” he explained, “it is the mark by which we publicly profess that we wish to be reckoned God’s people, by which we testify that we agree in worshipping the same God, in one religion with all Christians; by which finally we openly affirm our faith.”4 The apostle Peter used the legal language of contractual agreements to refer to baptism when he called it “the pledge of a good conscience toward God”
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